Nayi holds an M.Ed. from the Harvard Graduate School of Education and a Bachelor of Arts from Carleton College. She previously taught psychology and social science/humanities project-based courses at both Moonshot Academy and Avenues the World School-Shenzhen.
Nayi teaches jointly in the Social Science Department and the English department. She teaches a course on the History of Psychology and another course on Pre-Advanced English: Literature. She also serves as the Professional Development Coordinator at MSA. She leads two Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) on Translanguaging Pedagogy and Meeting the Needs of Diverse Learners, respectively.
Nayi's research interests include educational action research, social science research methodologies, and auto-ethnography. Her senior thesis during her undergraduate career, Re-examining the Immigrant Paradox on Adolescents’ Internalizing Mental Health: The Mediating Role of Family and School Support, is a meta-analysis that explores the validity of a long-standing notion of the immigrant paradox and challenges existing findings around this topic.