
Real-world projects creating positive impacts for self, others, communities, and the planet.

Annually, numerous interdisciplinary projects emerge with the mission of contributing to a better world.These projects span multiple disciplines and areas such as biosciences, urban planning, innovative media, physics, and mathematics. Within them, we are engineers, designers, architects, scientists, thinkers, and visionaries for the future. We expect these projects could inspire learners in creating impactful work, prompting them to consider their place in the broader context of the world and the progression of human civilization.

Politics and SocietyPublic Health and WellnessSocial Science

The Power of Pandemics

Disciplines/Subjects: History, Political Sciences Key Themes: Pandemics, History, Virus, Bacteria Speaking of the aftermath of COVID-19, Melinda Gates believed that “this pandemic [had] magnified every existing inequality in our society — like systemic racism, gender inequality, and poverty.” Gates had made a critical point that diseases and societal tensions are rarely separated. Indeed, there is a reason that we call perpetual social issues, social ills. Where is this global pandemic leading us? What effect - social, political, and cultural - will it create? How do we, as a collective, prevent the next pandemic? We are still amid the torrent to produce a clear vision of the future, so let's pause, and look back in history. For this project, you are expected to create two history magazines (May edition, 2024) catering to students in Grades 5 and Grades 7-8, respectively. Your goal is to introduce and delineate the causes and effects of five pandemics — plague, smallpox, Malaria, Influenza, and HIV/AIDS — to your audience. Keep in mind that you need to demonstrate: the biological and social causes of pandemics the social, political, and cultural effects of pandemics more crucially, the awareness of your audience's ability to read and understand your message Individually, you will also submit a 1200-word essay discussing the causes and effects of your chosen pandemic.
Modeling and Data ScienceScience

The Roar of the Mortar: An Invincible Siege Weapon

Disciplines/Subjects: Physics, Engineering, Computer Science Key Themes: Experiment Design, Scientific Calculation and Derivation, Engineering Manufacturing and Processing What is the experience of designing and making a "weapon"? Let's feel together with the students from Introduction to Physics, experience the hardships of the process and the beauty of the results, the agony of failure and the joy of success. Welcome to our Physics Project Exhibition. In this project, students have designed and simulated an important historical task from a war scenario—accurately hitting an enemy command center with simulated artillery shells. In this challenge, students not only apply fundamental principles of physics but also require innovative thinking, practical experimental design, and the application of their knowledge to solve real-world problems. The core task of the project is to use an existing tennis ball launcher or various "weapons" designed and built by students to simulate the firing of artillery shells. By adjusting parameters such as launch angle and initial velocity, students aim to hit distant targets with precision. The challenge was completed in three different ways: Experimental Method: Students designed and implemented multiple experiments to explore how launch angle and initial speed affect the trajectory of the balls. Through data analysis, they determined the optimal launch parameters. Theoretical Method: Using the physics of projectile motion, students performed precise mathematical calculations to predict the landing point of the artillery shells, determining the exact launch angle and velocity needed to hit the target. Engineering Design Method: Some students took on the challenge of designing and building their launchers. Through experimental testing, they continually refined their devices, striving to improve shooting accuracy through precise engineering. This project not only involves fundamental physics knowledge but also cultivates students' creativity, teamwork, and problem-solving skills. Through this exhibition, you will see how students have turned theoretical knowledge into practical solutions, demonstrating their learning journey from theory to application.
Modeling and Data ScienceMaths

Principal Components Analysis: Theory and Application

Disciplines/Subjects: Mathematics, Linear Algebra, Statistics, Machine Learning Key Themes: Matrix Decomposition, Dimensionality Reduction, Statistical Modeling, Real-World Applications This project explores the application of Principal Components Analysis (PCA) as a statistical tool for dimensionality reduction in real-world datasets. Starting with the foundational theory, learners learn the relationship between Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) and PCA, and how PCA can address common statistical dilemmas such as high dimensionality in data. Using Python, learners apply PCA to the "Prostate Cancer" dataset, exploring how the method extracts the most important components for predicting prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels from various clinical measurements. Through this process, learners identify and analyze the principal components, evaluate the results, and compare the PCA-derived model with traditional linear regression models. The project emphasizes both the mathematical theory behind PCA and its practical application in data science. In addition, learners write their own PCA code from scratch using SVD, reflecting on the underlying algorithm and comparing their implementation to established Python instructions.
Modeling and Data ScienceMaths

Exploring Pre-Calculus Concepts Through Real-World Applications

Disciplines/Subjects: Mathematics, Pre-Calculus, Applied Mathematics Key Themes: Mathematical Modeling, Real-World Applications, Exploration of Pre-Calculus Topics This project allows learners to choose a topic from the Pre-Calculus curriculum and explore its application in a real-world context. Topics may include polynomial and rational functions, exponential and logarithmic functions, or trigonometric and polar functions. Learners will conduct research, develop mathematical models, solve example problems, and discuss real-world applications. For instance, the sample work explores how trigonometric functions model sound waves, demonstrating the mechanics of music and sound. The project encourages creativity, critical thinking, and a deeper understanding of how mathematical concepts relate to practical scenarios.
Modeling and Data ScienceMaths

Applying Calculus to Real-World Problem Solving

Disciplines/Subjects: Mathematics, Calculus, Applied Mathematics Key Themes: Mathematical Modeling, Optimization, Differentiation, Integration In this project, learners will apply their knowledge of calculus to analyze and solve a real-world problem. The project may involve mathematical modeling, optimization techniques, and the use of differentiation and integration to understand and optimize systems such as transportation, economics, engineering, or environmental processes. Learners will create a comprehensive report that includes mathematical models, calculations, and graphs, and will present their findings in a 5-10 minute oral presentation. This project encourages creativity and critical thinking in applying calculus concepts to practical situations.
Modeling and Data ScienceMaths

Exploring Statistical Methods Through Real-World Data

Disciplines/Subjects: Statistics, Data Analysis, Research Methods Key Themes: Statistical Testing, Data Collection, Sampling Methods, Data Visualization In this project, learners will choose a topic of personal interest and conduct a statistical research study using real-world data. The project will involve collecting data through appropriate sampling methods, applying statistical tests learned throughout the course (such as z-tests, t-tests, chi-square tests, and tests for slope), and analyzing the data using mathematical calculations and graphical representations. Learners will interpret the results to identify patterns and relationships and present their findings in a clear, organized statistical report.
Modeling and Data ScienceMaths

Linear Regression: Analyzing Relationships Between Variables

Disciplines/Subjects: Mathematics, Statistics, Data Science Key Themes: Linear Regression Analysis, Data Collection, Hypothesis Testing, Real-World Applications This project allows learners to choose a topic of personal interest and apply linear regression analysis to explore relationships between variables. Whether analyzing economic data, environmental factors, or social trends, learners will collect and clean data, build regression models, and evaluate their fit using statistical software like R or Python. They will also perform hypothesis testing, calculate confidence intervals for the regression coefficients, and interpret the results. The project culminates in a detailed report that applies these techniques to solve practical problems, improving both analytical and data modeling skills.
Modeling and Data ScienceMaths

Investigation of Periodic Phenomena

Disciplines/Subjects: Mathematics, Environmental Science, Data Analysis Key Themes: Periodic Patterns, Trigonometric Functions, Real-World Applications of Mathematical Modeling In this project, learners are encouraged to choose a periodic phenomenon of personal interest to investigate, such as seasonal weather patterns, lunar cycles, biorhythms, economic cycles, or even traffic patterns. This sample work explores the temperature rhythms of cities with varying distances from the sea, using trigonometric functions (sin and cos) to model and analyze the temperature changes over time. By applying mathematical principles, learners identify patterns, construct equations to represent periodic behaviors, and predict future trends. The project demonstrates the power of trigonometry in understanding and forecasting periodic phenomena across different domains.