Moonshot Academy High School Commencement 2024

Xuzheng Guo Xuzheng Guo


Driving Questions

  1. How to define the design problem by analyzing the requirements and complete a complete brand design solution?
  2. How to carry out project management?
  3. How to realize the design concept on the ground?

Project Introduction

Disciplines/Subjects: Graphic Design

Key Themes: Graduation Ceremony, Branding Design, Packaging Design, Book Design

Graduation is one of the most important events in a school, and we created a full set of branded visual identities for the ceremony. The main visual design centered around the “Orange Ladder”, an element derived from Moonshot Academy(MSA)'s landmark, the Little Theater, which is the most familiar symbol to every MSA learner. We abstracted the theater as a three-step ladder, echoing the graduation ceremony theme of “3, 2, 1”. We simulated the projection of the light on the stairs from a vertically downward perspective and summarized it as a minimalist graphic with only orange and black. The orange steps remain unchanged, while the shadows cycle through time, from no shadow at all to a narrow projection, symbolizing the graduation of each student from the MSA, leaving behind a trail of shadows, echoing the time of the graduation ceremony, the Summer Solstice. Utilizing 3D printing technology, we pasted the physical ladder onto part of the material to create a realistic projection through natural light, breaking the boundaries between static and dynamic, two-dimensional and three-dimensional.

Core Competency

Habits of mind: Empathy, Strive for Excellence, Continuous Learning

Transferable skills: Organizing & Representing Information, Modeling, Evaluating Competing Design Solutions, Designing a Solution, Artistic Expression

Content Knowledge: Branding Design, Packaging Design, Book Design, Printing Basics


In recent years, the visual designs of the graduation season at major domestic art universities have garnered significant attention. From the Central Academy of Fine Arts' "Vigorous Growth" and "Aspiration of the Heart," to the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts' "Live Streaming Chat" and "Entangled Wires," these are all excellent works that we have studied and analyzed in class. As we learn design through these case studies, we can't help but wonder: Why can't high school students do this?