Pathfinder: Exploring Shortest Path Algorithms in Theory and Practice

Driving Questions

  1. What are the real-world applications of shortest path algorithms in fields like transportation, networking, and logistics?
  2. How can shortest path algorithms be implemented and optimized using Java?
  3. How can research findings and technical results be effectively communicated through visual and written formats?

Project Introduction

Disciplines/Subjects: Computer Science, Mathematics, Academic Research

Key Themes: Graph Theory, Algorithm Development, Java Programming, Research Methodology

This project invites learners to explore the shortest path problem, a cornerstone in graph theory with applications in various industries. Students will engage in research, implement algorithms like Dijkstra's or Bellman-Ford in Java, and present their findings through a research poster, report, and simulation project. By connecting theoretical knowledge with practical implementation, students will deepen their understanding of algorithmic thinking, enhance their coding skills, and develop effective communication techniques.

Core Competency

Habits of mind:  Critical Thinking, Precision and Accuracy, Persistence in Problem-Solving

Transferable skills:  Research and academic writing skills, Practical coding proficiency in Java, Effective presentation of complex ideas through structured visuals and reports

Content Knowledge:  Fundamentals of graph theory (nodes, edges, paths, and weights), Algorithms for shortest path problems (Dijkstra’s, Bellman-Ford, A*), Java programming concepts for algorithmic implementation