How does adjusting the amount of the additives of sorbitol, glycerin, and titanium dioxide affect the properties of CMC-gelatin-agar plastic?

Driving Questions

  1. What are the specific properties of CMC-gelatin-agar plastic that make it a potentially suitable replacement for petroleum-based plastics?
  2. How do the concentrations of sorbitol and glycerin affect the tensile strength and elongation of CMC-gelatin-agar plastic?
  3. What are the environmental implications of using TiO2 as an additive in biodegradable plastics, considering its potential impact on ecosystems during degradation?
  4. Beyond sorbitol, glycerin, and TiO2, what other additives could be explored to further enhance the properties and functionalities of CMC-gelatin-agar plastic, such as antimicrobial properties or water resistance?

Project Introduction

Disciplines/Subjects: Materials Science and Engineering; Polymer Chemistry; Environmental Science; Microbiology

Key Themes: Sustainable Alternatives to Petroleum-Based Plastics

This research investigates the impact of different additives on the properties of biodegradable plastics made from carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC), gelatin, and agar. The study focuses on sorbitol and glycerin as plasticizers to improve the plastic's ductility, and titanium dioxide (TiO2) to enhance its color. The researchers found that glycerin and sorbitol effectively increased the plastic's flexibility. They also observed that TiO2 successfully adjusted the film's color, making it whiter.

The study concludes that adjusting the additive amounts is crucial for achieving a balance of desired properties in CMC-gelatin-agar plastic6. The research suggests that this type of biodegradable plastic has the potential to replace traditional petroleum-based plastics, contributing to environmental protection.

Core Competency

Habits of mind: Curiosity, Continuous Learning, Growth Mindset, Strive for Excellence

Transferable skills: Research Question; Research Gap; Research Method; Conclusion; Academic Writing Conventions; Citation

Content Knowledge: Polymer Chemistry, Material Science, Environmental Protection Technology, Microbiology