Disciplines/Subjects: Visual Arts, English
Key Themes: European and American art history, analysis, personal perspective
The popularization of mainstream art history has long been dominated by the European and American viewpoint of “originating from Ancient Egypt and Ancient Greece, passing through the Renaissance and Baroque, to Romanticism, Impressionism, and up to modern contemporary art”, which tells a relatively single logic of development and values. As a form of communication common to all human beings beyond language, the history of art has always been incredibly diverse.
In the artistic path of Moon Exploration, to communicate smoothly in the context of contemporary art from Europe and the United States, we will respect and systematically explore the masterpieces and the causes and consequences of the traditional narratives. At the same time, we cannot help but ask: In the face of such an authoritative framework, where do we place the movies, stars, topics, and culture that have inspired our appreciation and creativity since our childhood, and where do we place ourselves? So we drew our art history maps, turning straight timelines into spider webs, trails, mountains, and clouds, to see a more unique connection between ancient and modern art and Chinese art from our perspectives.
After studying the techniques of specific art genres and combing through their development, we gradually became curious beyond the generalization of the big time, “What does contemporary realism look like?” “Does rebellion have to be Dada?” “Where are the female artists in Abstract Expressionism?” “What is unique about Chinese art history?” Information found with genuine curiosity is more memorable, and characteristics are more interesting after comparison. After an essay, or an exam, the distance between creation and research seems to be closing.
Habits of mind: Growth Mindset, Revision, Seek for help, Strive for Excellence
Cognitive skills: Creating, Exhibiting, Critique
Content Knowledge: Mainstream art history in Europe and the United States, Analyzing formal qualities of paintings, Comprehensive comparison of similarities and differences between artistic genres
Online lecture by independent art historian/curator Diana Htwe https://www.nwayhtwe.com/about
Mapping a personal art hisory from book Stories of Art by James Elkins, (E.C. Chadbourne Chair of art history, theory, and criticism at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago).