Driving Questions

  1. Who am I?
  2. What makes me unique?
  3. How can tangible objects express abstract emotions?

Project Introduction

Disciplines/Subjects: Visual Arts

Key Themes: Self-portrait, Collage, Found object, Art therapy

Self-portraits are a recurring theme in artists’ creations. Whether it’s a realistic self-portrait meticulously drawn by observing oneself in a mirror, or an abstract self-portrait created using any materials or objects to convey personal traits, this is an essential step in art learning and creation.

In the Self-Portrait unit of the Art Track, learners will start by identifying ten personal keywords and then complete three works centered on self-expression. These three projects include:

Life Album (with cover) – exploring direct self-expression.

Readymade Sculpture – using real objects and materials to convey unique characteristics.

The Opposite of Me – identifying and attempting to approach or even embrace one’s opposite side.

Following these three creations, learners will utilize their ELP time to produce a fully developed and polished self-portrait. This time, their audience will include the entire community.

Core Competency

Habits of mind: Growth Mindset, Revision, Seek for help, Strive for Excellence

Cognitive skills: Creating, Exhibiting, Critique

Content Knowledge: The history and methods of readymade art, The history and methods of performance art, Planning schedules for art creation, How to curate and install