Four pages comic

Chenyu Lin Chenyu Lin


Driving Questions

  1. How are different narrative rhythms presented in comics?
  2. How are changes in scale and subjective/objective perspectives applied in comics?
  3. How can life experiences be transformed into comics?

Project Introduction

Disciplines/Subjects: Visual Arts

Key Themes: Comics, Graphic Novel, Chris Ware

Famous comic works like The Avengers, Dragon Ball, and Old Master Q are often regarded as children's reading material and thus dismissed by many adult readers. However, when we revisit the history of storytelling through images, we find many extraordinary artistic works that are innovative in style and profound in content. For instance, the graphic novel Maus, which deals with the theme of Nazi concentration camps during World War II, became the first such work to win a Pulitzer Prize, demonstrating to readers worldwide that image-based storytelling can rival even the most serious literary creations.

When we grow accustomed to recording life through abstract written language, we often face the limitations of vocabulary and expression, making it challenging to fully articulate our thoughts. By turning to image-based storytelling, we might discover that our thoughts and emotions inadvertently emerge between panels. In this process, whether we quickly convey a story through concise frames or repeatedly use a series of similar images to create the atmosphere, our creative expression takes on a magical transformation.

The graphic novels of artist Chris Ware show us how the mundane can be reinterpreted through images, becoming thought-provoking and impactful. In this comics unit, students who have learned about creating multi-panel narratives will take inspiration from Chris Ware’s Jimmy Corrigan: The Smartest Kid on Earth to identify moments in their own daily lives worth recording and reimagine them through their creations. This project aims to challenge the stereotypical perceptions of comics as a creative medium.

Core Competency

Habits of mind: Growth Mindset, Revision, Seek for help, Strive for Excellence

Cognitive skills: Creating, Exhibiting, Critique

Content Knowledge: Differences between comics, graphic novels, and Japanese manga, Six approaches to comic panel layout, The relationship between narrative rhythm and images