Disciplines/Subjects: History of Psychology
Key Themes:Psychometrics; Intelligence; Eugenics; History of Science; Primary Source Analysis
The British Museum is planning an exhibition that showcases archival research on the topic of WWII eugenic movements and the role that psychologists and neurologists played in perpetuating systemic violence and discrimination. You are a novice historian of psychology who conducts archival research on relevant topics. You are tasked to identify, arrange, and interpret primary sources to put up a display that chronicles the above topic. Your work needs to engage a large, public, and global audience informing them about the history of how science is used to perpetrate racism. You will also connect the role of psychologists in intelligence research by showing how early psychologists have been complicit in creating and advancing eugenic claims and practices. Your goal is to construct a research-based, engaging narrative that brings your audience close to the archival evidence on your chosen topic/focus area.
Habits of mind: Critical thinking;, Empathy
Transferable skills: Analyzing primary sources, Selecting multiple sources, Synthesizing sources
Content Knowledge: Psychometrics and its relationship with eugenic practices