Treasure Hunting-A Grave with No Shadow

Mora Jiang Mora Jiang


Project Introduction

Discipline/ Subject:Earth Science 

Key Themes: The Earth revolution around sun

In a Guangzhou graveyard, a secret tale is untold. Once a year, at a moment's hold, Shadow vanishes at a precious cue, For a fleeting few minutes, a chance so true. Where a treasure's rumored, beneath a tomb's clay, But this fleeting moment, a blink of fate, Is the only time to unlock its gate.

People gather, filled with eager delight, But among so many graves they stand, Lost and confused in a sea of stones.

To seek the riches, you must advance, At the right day, the right minute, don't be late, For the shadows disappear, and you must navigate. With shovels and maps, and hearts so bold, Assemble your team to seek the hidden gold, In those fleeting minutes, do your best. Find the treasure hidden if you dare.

You need to:

Find out where the treasure is. Please provide its rough coordinate (GPS 坐标,精确到分即可) and point it out in a map.

Explain why you think it's there with a clear model and solid evidence using model and CER template enclosed in this page.

Explanation = Claim (What you know) + Evidence (How you know it) + Reasoning (Your thought process)

Create a STEM experimental exploration report with maps to show your findings.

Core Competency

Cognitive skills: Asking Questions, Predicting/Hypothesizing, Planning and Carrying Out Investigations, Organizing and representing information, Modeling, Constructing an evidence-based explanation

Content Knowledge:

Use data to explain the impact of the Sun on the Earth. (Compulsory 1 – Physical Geography)

Illustrate the geographical significance of Earth's movements with examples. (Elective Compulsory 1 – Physical Geography)

Through investigating natural geography issues, understand the application of geographic information technology. (Compulsory 1 – Physical Geography)

Learn to use global positioning systems (GPS) or satellite navigation systems such as BeiDou for location tracking, route querying, and other operations. (Elective 8 – Application of Geographic Information Technology)

Use a model to describe how variations in the flow of energy into and out of Earth’s systems result in changes in climate. (HS-ESS2-4 Earth's Systems)

Use mathematical or computational representations to predict the motion of orbiting objects in the solar system. (HS-ESS1-4 Earth's Place in the Universe)