During a meeting with several House Heads, the topic of each House’s characteristics was discussed. As the Executive Head of Fupu House, I made a rather stereotypical remark, suggesting that the Gold House is the Math House, the Blue House is the Sports House, the White House is the Art House, and the Green House is the “Mental Health House.” From its inception, the Green House has proudly adopted a distinctive identity, attracting a group of young people whose mental states were questionable, but who were full of passion and courage. Over time, this group has evolved into a state that is difficult to describe.
At our gatherings, we share awkward, regretful, and anxious memories; we also use instant cameras to capture the excitement at the end of the first semester. After the first graduating cohort of the Green House presented their final defenses, each of them received a "Sad Frog Bath Towel Set," as a tribute to China’s traditional back-scrubbing culture.
In addition to this, the Green House hosted an Anime Week in its first year, inviting industry bosses, teachers, and students to discuss whether they stood with "Conan x Haibara" or "ShinRan" In the "Boredom Competition," teachers and learners competed side-by-side to see who could step on a screaming chicken the fastest, and who could recognize the most faces of community members that had been reassembled in different ways—among other "boring activities."
We hope that the Green House will continue to maintain this atmosphere, and of course, it would be wonderful if this tradition could be carried forward, keeping the honor of having to earn at least 10 votes to join the Green House.
— Alin, Executive Head of Fupu House